
July 16, 2014

Greetings Cyberworld,

Sadly, today is my last day to party with my sister (and therefore this is also the last blog post).  I must prepare for a five hour drive in the morning, and she must prepare for eye surgery.  I think I have the better deal.  However, we finally managed to get a good weather day for kayaking.  We had postponed it from Saturday to Monday because we were busy with horse show preparations and because the sky was pouring rain.  Then the weather turned out to be lousy (i.e. I needed a jacket in July – brrrr) on Monday and Tuesday.  Fortunately, today turned out to be beautiful.  Thanks to Scott for driving the kayaks to the river and joining us for the fun!  The three of us paddled our way down the Trempealeau River under a bright blue sky with a few puffy clouds.  Birds and frogs serenaded us as we explored side routes filled with a floating green mat comprised of duckweed seeds.  It was kind of like paddling through pea soup.

A pond filled with duckweed.  Photo courtesy of FotoDutch on Wikimedia Commons.

A pond filled with duckweed. Photo courtesy of FotoDutch on Wikimedia Commons.

I’d love to relate some interesting stories from our trip, but actually, it was just your average kayak trip.  Nobody tipped over, we weren’t attacked by any river monsters, and I didn’t fall in the mud while putting my boat in the water.  We just relaxed and floated with the current.  I guess you’ll just have to accept my word that we had a lovely day and continue whatever it was you were doing before you stopped to read this.  Lisa and I are going back to our game of Pandemic.  Don’t bother to tune in tomorrow since this blog will be ending here!

Us sisters in our kayaks on the Trempealeau River.

Us sisters in our kayaks on the Trempealeau River.

– Space Case One

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